Friday 11 April 2014

Colds, Curls and a Lisa Freemont Street - 50K Subscriber Giveaway!

Hello beautifuls,

Today has found me feeling sorry for myself for the third day running, as I battle the dreaded lurgy and an MS relapse. 

In a desperate bid to cheer myself up, I managed to at least fashion my hair into something half-decent. As somewhat of a newbie to styling my hair in a 'vintage-inspired' way, I am rather pleased with the result. What do you think?
Face Redaction... Thanks phone!

In between the moaning and groaning about my current state of ill health, I enjoyed a little time on YouTube. I caught up on a couple of my favourite vintage ladies: A Vintage Vanity, Pin Up Doll Ashley Marie, Cherry Doll Face and of course, the fabulous Lisa Freemont Street.

Now, I am sure that I am preaching to the converted, when I say that the videos that all of the above-mentioned ladies are utterly essential for the newcomer who is looking to glean important information on vintage looks and styles, how to ensure your victory roll doesn't have a saggy backside (who likes a saggy backside?) and whatnot. Well, the aforementioned Lisa Freemont Street (who also has a fantastic website here) has reached an amazing 50,000 subscribers and this generous gal is hosting a giveaway to celebrate!

The giveaway video is here.

All you need to do is comment on the video (and you should subscribe to her channel if you aren't already - go do it now).

The giveaway is open internationally and there really are some amazing prizes on offer! So go and enter now! Go!

The winner is being selected on April 15th, so there's not much time left!

OK done? Welcome back.

I will be doing a post on the lovely ladies of Youtube Land soon - my way of saying thank you and ensuring that you all know to go and subscribe to their channels.

In the meantime, I shall top up on the vitamin C to kick this cold to the curb and stop feeling quite so sorry for myself, *sob sob*.

Toodle pip!

Clare x


  1. You did an amazing job! :D I hope today is a better day and you're feeling much more mobile and sprightly!

    1. Thanks hun! Finally coming out of the ickiness now, I'm pleased to say... altho having an op next week, so... Enjoy Viva!
